I started the year with lot of plans. Awesome plans. All relied on the fact that my kids are going to sleep around 9 PM and I have two good hours to write articles, read, plan. Oh, silly me. Having the third kid of changed my plans. My “free time” was dropped to zero minutes per day. For now at least, a man can only hope.

I must admit that from January up to mid February I continued to hope. And then I didn’t. And right the moment why my hope for this year cool personal projects has vanished I had a beer with my good friend Dan also known as Tzutzu. And from one to another he sais: all the time we meet, we talk, we ramp on different topics and we laugh. Let’s do this in front of a mic and share this good stuff over a podcast. Done deal.

I loved Guy Kawasaki’s story about Silicon Valley. The art of the innovators there is to throw darts to a wall. When one sticks to the wall, they draw the bull-eye around the arrow. Awesome metaphor. 

I feel it happened exactly the same for me. My plans where on a totally different direction. But the life, or Dan, had other plans for me. And I love every piece of it. We called it “Retrospective Agile” because we look at the Agility retrospectively, through our large experience. We also have a facebook page. And you can find our series on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts

I will share the episodes here and also I will share more podcast which I found interesting. Enjoy it! I know I am.

Retrospective Agile

Psihologie și agilitate

March 29, 2023

Episodul 26 a fost înregistrat la evenimentul Agile Mammoths Games – Casa de Agile ce a avut loc în Cluj-Napoca la inceputul lunii martie. Impreuna cu Bogdan am fost gazdele unui panel pe teme legate de agilitate. Cei care au răspuns întrebărilor noastre au fost:Ruxandra Banici, Head of Delivery@ZenitechOvidiu Mățan,… Read more

Agile Mammoths Games 2023

February 24, 2023

Dupa o pauză de trei ani, cauzată de pandemie, evenimentul Agile Mammoths Games revine pe lista evenimentelor de business clujene. În acest episod veti afla detalii din “interior” despre organizarea evenimentului, care va avea loc in 9-10 martie 2023, la Grand Hotel Italia. Ne bucurăm că vom fi și noi… Read more

Povești în business

January 23, 2023

Poveștile leagă informațiile, le dau sens, le dau culoare și savoare. Câteodată încâlcesc treaba, dar spuse coerent, frumos și organizat cu siguranță au darul de a aduce claritate și a face ca ideile pe care vrem să le transmitem să se fixeze mai ușor și pentru o perioadă mai îndelungată… Read more

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